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Genius rewarded or The Story of the Sewing Machine 1880

Verfasst: Dienstag 26. Juli 2022, 02:18
von Makatea
Geschichte der Nähmaschinenentwicklung, die Patenstreitigkeiten zwischen Howe und Singer sowie die ausführliche Beschreibung der Unternehmenskultur, Vertriebsstruktur und Fertigung im amerikanischen Singer-Werk im Jahre 1880.

Angesichts des Marktanteils von 75% weltweit werden andere Hersteller noch nicht einmal namentlich erwähnt und das ganze Buch ist von unverhüllter Begeisterung für Singer durchzogen.
Genius_rewarded_Story_of_the Sewing_Machine_1880.jpg ... wyuoft.pdf

72 Seiten mit zahlreichen Illustrationen
5,4 MB

Beeindruckend finde ich den Aufwand bei Lack und Deko: the Japanning Room, where a set of grimy men, in half
undress costume, souse them into a vat of liquid japan,
after which they are put into great brick ovens, and left
for several days for the japan to thoroughly bake and
harden. This gives them a handsome, black, glossy finish
and prevents rust.
An den sichtbaren Maschinenteilen werden drei Schichten von Japanning aufgetragen und Abziehbilder gibt es auch noch nicht, 1880 wurde noch mit der Hand gemalt:
After being carefully scoured, the heads are sent to the Ornamenting Department, where skillful workmen pencil out, with a fine camel's hairbrush, the designs of flowers and scroll work which ornament that portion of the machine which rests upon the table. The rapidity with which these pretty and often intricate designs are traced is wonderful. ... a man doing such a machine head " off- hand," without the least guide for hand or brush, at the rate of 100 machines a day ! As quickly as the penciling is done the machine is seized by another man, holding in his hand a book of gold leaf, which he deftly lays over every pencil-line. The gold leaf firmly adheres to the "sizing" laid on by the brush and the rest is rubbed off by a single touch of another man who passes a piece of soft cotton batting over it. The whole is then varnished with the best quality of white varnish and placed in a huge oven, where it bakes till it has become perfectly dry, hard and glossy.

Re: Genius rewarded or The Story of the Sewing Machine 1880

Verfasst: Dienstag 26. Juli 2022, 22:53
von ravemachine
herzlichen Dank sd